Presenter Instructions

Instructions for the Camera Ready Version for the Proceedings

The proceedings of FLAIRS-37 will be published by Florida Online Journals ( which is indexed in DBLP and Scopus. Authors are expected to make a reasonable effort to address reviewers’ comments prior to the submission of the camera-ready paper. 

Before the submission of your camera ready version of your paper:

Instructions for Paper Presenters (Full Papers and Short Papers)

Each full paper is allocated 20 minutes and short papers 15 minutes in the conference program (including Q&A); prepare your presentation to have enough time for questions. Session chairs will monitor the time and keep the sessions strictly on schedule. Every presentation will be done via Zoom (both online and in-person presentations).  Those being physically at the conference also need to bring their own laptop with Zoom installed on it to do the presentation. Presenters should arrive at their session early, introduce themselves to the session chair, and verify that screen-sharing works well. Check list for paper presenters is available at a separate page.

The following link provides guidance on giving a presentation:

Instructions for Poster Presenters

Prepare and print the poster in advance (there are no printing services provided on-site). Please follow these instructions for installing your posters.

The following links provide guidance on preparing a poster: